About Personal Information

Through activities including purchase and sale of condominiums and houses, operating a real-estate information site for those looking for residential properties, purchasing existing homes, and sale of renovated homes, Property Technologies Inc. (″Company″ hereinafter) strives to propose valuable ways of life and to deliver after-sales support services to enable customers to spend their futures with peace of mind. In doing so, we consider proper handling of the valuable personal information entrusted to us by our customers to be an important and fundamental responsibility in conducting our business activities. As a business that handles personal information, we take appropriate measures to protect customers’ personal information and manage its security, in accordance with the following privacy policy in conformity with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other norms and in-house rules, and we strive to improve these initiatives continually.

1.Services we provide

Purchase and sale of condominiums and houses, management of the KAITRY real-estate information site for those looking for residential properties
* For the privacy policy regarding KAITRY, see the Privacy Policy of KAITRY, the company that operates KAITRY.
Supporting real-estate trading
Other services related to those above

2.User information collected, and collection methods

As used in this Policy, ″user information″ refers to information related to identification of users, logs of telecommunications activity, and other information generated or collected in connection with users or their devices, obtained by the Company under this Policy.
The user information collected by the Company through these services is listed below, by the method of collection of information.

  • Information provided by users

    Information provided by users in order to use, or through use of, the services consists of the following:

    • Names, names in the kana syllabary, and other profile information
    • Email address, telephone number, and other contact information
    • Information input or transmitted by users through input forms or other methods specified by the Company
  • Information provided by other services when users consent to connection with such services in use of the services

    When users consent to connection with such social networking services or other services in use of the services, we collect the following information from such external services in accordance with the content of users’ consent:

    • Information concerning server access logs
    • Cookies, Ad IDs, Identifiers for Advertisers, and other identifiers

3.Purposes of use of personal information

The Company specifies the purposes of use of personal information entrusted by customers and, except as stipulated otherwise by laws or regulations, uses such information solely within the extent necessary to achieve such purposes of use. See ″Handling of Personal Information″ concerning our purposes of use of personal information.

4.Collection of personal information

The Company collects personal information within the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use identified under 1 above, directly from the individual concerned or through appropriate means from third parties including subcontractors or generally available sources of information etc. It does not collect personal information through fraud or other improper means.

5.Provision of personal information to third parties

The Company will not provide or disclose personal information entrusted by customers to any third parties, except with the prior consent of the individuals concerned or in cases permitted under laws or regulations such as in subcontracting of business operations or joint use of the information.

6.Management of personal information

The Company implements appropriate security measures and provides training to employees to prevent cases such as loss, unauthorized alteration, and leakage of personal information entrusted by customers.

7.Procedures for disclosure etc. of personal information

The Company responds properly to procedures requesting disclosure etc. of the personal information it holds. See ″Handling of Personal Information″ for details.

8.Publication and amendment of this Policy

Details of this Policy and its amendments etc. will be published on the Company website.

Handling of personal information

Ⅰ.The purpose of using personal information

The Company engages in the business of purchase of existing homes and sale of renovated properties, as well as other related business. In doing so, it receives provision of personal information concerning real-estate transactions with customers and from other related parties as necessary. Such personal information is used within the extent of the following purposes and will not be used beyond the extent of these purposes without the consent of the individuals concerned.

【For various events, promotional campaigns, etc.】

  1. To distribute and send various documents
  2. For surveys and other market research
  3. To send informational materials etc.

【For implementation of operations related to management of the Company】

  1. For use in confirmation by accounting auditors
  2. To provide personal information to third parties within the extent necessary to achieve the above purposes

【In hiring and other activities related to employees】

  1. To contact job applicants, to provide information to them, and in screening for employment
  2. To contact employees, to provide information to them, and in labor management
    • (1) The above purposes of use describe purposes for which personal information may be used at present. Personal information will not necessarily be used for all such purposes.
    • (2) Purposes of use may not be clearly identified, notified, or announced in cases provided for by laws and regulations, such as when the purpose of use can be considered to be clear from the form in which the information is collected (Article 18, Paragraph 4, Subparagraph 4 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information).

Ⅱ.Joint use of personal information

In cases of joint use of personal information with third parties, the Company will identify the following items on its website:

  1. The fact of joint use with specified parties
  2. Items of personal data jointly used
  3. Scope of joint use
  4. Purposes of use of information jointly used
  5. Personal or corporate names of parties responsible for management of personal data included in information jointly used

Ⅲ.Joint use with members of the Company’s group of companies

To provide services with high value added to customers and counterparties, the Company jointly uses personal information held by it and the Group member companies Homenet Inc., KAITRY Inc., First Home Inc., First Corporation, and Sanko Home Co., Ltd., as outlined below. Handling of joint use of information may be revised as necessary. Announcement or notification will be made of such revisions.

  • Items of personal information jointly used
    • Ⅰ. Name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, and other contact information for customers and counterparties
    • Ⅱ. Information concerning requests to show houses or for appraisal for sale
    • Ⅲ. Information on properties for which contracts have been concluded (property names, unit numbers, property addresses, and summaries of property fixtures such as electricity, gas, and Internet access)
    • Ⅳ. Information entered to various forms provided by the Company and information in explanations or answers in verbal communication (including telephone communication) with customers
    • Ⅴ. Information on transactions and contracts between customers and the Company
  • Shared company
    • Homenet Inc.
    • KAITRY Inc.
    • First Home Inc.
    • First Corporation Inc.
    • Sanko Home Co.,Ltd.
  • Purposes of use
    • Ⅰ. To provide information on real estate sold or brokered by Homenet Inc. or KAITRY Inc.
    • Ⅱ. To provide information on purchase of homes
    • Ⅲ. To provide information on and propose services from Homenet Inc., KAITRY Inc., First Home Inc., First Corporation, and Sanko Home Co., Ltd.
    • Ⅳ. For market research and data analysis for purposes such as product development
  • The person responsible for management of personal information

    property technologies Inc.
    Corporate Headquarters(10:00~17:00)

Ⅳ.Entrustment of handling of personal information

When entrusting personal information entrusted by customers to third parties for purposes of subcontracting of business operations, the Company will review such third parties in accordance with standards established in advance, conclude necessary contracts with them, and take other measures as necessary under laws and regulations.

Ⅴ.Requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of personal information

The Company will respond to requests from the individuals concerned by personal information it holds, or their representatives, for notification of the purposes of use; disclosure; correction of, addition to, or deletion from the content; suspension of use; deletion; suspension of provision to third parties; etc. (″disclosure etc.″ hereinafter) of such personal information as follows.

  • Where to submit requests for disclosure etc.

    Please contact the contact point for disclosure etc. by email with any requests for disclosure etc. or questions.
    <Contact point for disclosure etc.>

  • Procedures and fees for requests for disclosure etc.
    Information on documents to submit and procedures for requests for disclosure etc. will be provided through the reply to the contact email described under 1 above.
    When submitting the necessary documents, please enclose 600 yen in postage stamps (to be used to send the reply by registered mail). If the return postage is insufficient or no return postage was enclosed, we will notify the applicant thereof. If the necessary return postage is not sent by the designated deadline, then the request for disclosure etc. will be considered invalid and the documents sent will be returned.
  • Handling of cases in which disclosure etc. is not provided

    Please note that we may not be able to accept requests for disclosure etc. in the following cases. If we decide not to disclose the information, we will notify the applicant of that fact and the reason why.

    • Ⅰ. When the identity of the applicant could not be verified
    • Ⅱ. When the proxy rights of a representative applicant could not be verified
    • Ⅲ. When the necessary documents submitted with the request are incomplete
    • Ⅳ. When the return postage is not sent to us by the designated deadline
    • Ⅴ. When the item of information covered by the request is not included in the personal information or personal data held by the Company and subject to disclosure
    • Ⅵ. When there is a concern that doing so could be detrimental to the life, health, property, or other interests of the individual concerned or a third party
    • Ⅶ. When there is a concern that doing so could markedly impede the proper execution of business by the Company
    • Ⅷ. In other cases in violation of laws or regulations

Ⅵ.Where to address inquiries concerning protection of personal information

Please contact the personal information contact point by email with any comments, requests, complaints, or other inquiries concerning our handling of personal information.

July 2021

property technologies Inc.
President and Representative Director
Takehiro Hamanaka